Sunday, November 23, 2008

Eating at night

I went to Weight Watchers on Thursday, I was very worried, but to my great relief I didn't gain any weight, I didn't lose any either... but I was not disappointed. I have been using my treadmill as of late, it has become my worst enemy :) It seems to be easier on my knees, it is hard to find time to exercise at home, with four children I am tired by the end of the day, but I do feel better after I am done. Something I really struggle with is eating in the evening, I started that bad habit when I was pregnant with Ben, I couldn't eat very much during the day, I felt nauseous, but in the evening I felt fine so I would eat.........and eat............and eat :) SO now I do really good on my eating during the day but struggle not to snack in the evening.. any one have any suggestions? 

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Rosanne Barr?

A funny thing happened to me today when I was at the Doctor, the receptionist was copying my drivers license, she then proceeded to tell me my drivers license picture looked like Rosanne Barr, I am 50 pound lighter in my picture, it left me to wonder who I look like now.. perhaps Lu Lu from Hee Haw, the Mom from Gilbert Grape. 

I am nervous about the weigh in tomorrow, I fell off of the wagon ( pretty hard), I am back on but I fear there has been damage :) That's OK, the Rosanne comment gave me more motivation:) 

Monday, November 17, 2008

The Bridge

Man what a week-end, I have to admit ( confess) I didn't do to well on the diet, I fell off the wagon so to speak, but I am back on.  It has been a little stressful around the Eglet home, crying kids and such, right now as I write this my daughter is screaming upstairs because she doesn't want to take a nap, all I want to do is eat ( I am a little stressed, I have a hard time with the crying) Why is that? Eating doesn't make the stress go away right? So why eat? The brain is a funny thing I tell ya!  I have included a beautiful picture of me doing the exercise I HATE the most, it is called "THE BRIDGE" ( Can you hear the Darth Vader music playing) I do three sets of these for 20 seconds each, when I first saw Sargent Katie do these I thought, ( that won't be hard) Ya right, it hurts like heck, so it must be doing the job right:) 

Try it, see how ya do.

Saturday, November 15, 2008


Man what a rough day! I want to eat everything in sight, my kids are outside playing and when I check on them all I see are two little savory chickens running and playing.  Ok, it's not that bad BUT I WANT TO EAT!!!! Mother nature has something to do with it ( You know what I mean ladies in the house) I wish I was tempted to exercise as much as I am to eat things that are bad for me.... I did cheat the other night and had some smores we made with the kids for family night.. I have to tell you, THEY WERE SOOOOOOO GOOD!!! I had major guilt afterwards, like I had sinned or something. 

I know I have only been doing this for a few weeks, but my body feels stronger, aside from my knees, they feel like I am 90, but I am hoping that will get better. 

I sure appreciate every ones comments it is very motivating to know people read this thing, it makes me not want to look like an ARSS. A fat one at that :) 

Thursday, November 13, 2008


                                 Weebles wobble but they don't fall down
                                             I am running and I have a mullet
                                             There are no words                

I had a lot more pictures but my computer is on strike I guess,  The "Sarge"  has incorporated basketball ( Lay ups and stuff) to the work out I like it a lot. Although I have to say, my basketball skills are awful.. sad really. Anyway, We worked out twice this week and will do it a gain tomorrow, my knees are killing me, but I really do enjoy almost dieing two to three times a week:)       I went to weight watchers today, I lost .8 pounds, I think I am going to stop setting weekly goals, I should be happy about the .8 but I have to admit I am a tad discouraged,  I know it's better than gaining. So I have no weight loss goal for next week, well, other than to lose weight:)              

Friday, November 7, 2008

.4 pounds

I went to weight watchers yesterday to weigh in, I really like going to weight watchers, I feel like I have things in common with the ladies ( and one man) there. I got on the scale fully expecting to have lost at least a pound, I LOST .4 pounds.... it was a little disheartening, my first thought was "FINE I WILL JUST GO TO MCDONALD'S AND HAVE A SHAKE" as if I would be hurting someone other than myself, but after a good cry on my husbands shoulder and some nice words from a friend, I was better. What was pointed out to me was at least I didn't gain. I am just going to try harder. I did make my other goal by  exercising everyday.       
Speaking of exercise I was running yesterday and I could feel every inch of my fat bouncing on my body, it was as if the fat knew that I was exercising and so it grabbed on for dear life refusing to burn off, IT HURTS! Sargent Katie made me run, do push ups on the wall,  leg lifts and these crunch things that...............hurt. But after I was done, I felt so good. ( Three hours later I could barely walk, but that's ok) My goal for this week is to lose 2.6 pounds and to do less whining when I am exercising :)  

P.S., I have included some more picts, I thought the first one was cute of my little girl, she was "Helping" and the second one.... no it's not blurry that is really what I look like. 

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Sargent Katie and my near death

Today the kids and I met my friend Katie and her kids at the church to shoot some hoops, Katie decided to put us through a work out, we were running, doing lunges, squats, crunches, it was AWFUL!!!!! :) I thought I was going to die..... but it was a good work out for me:) As I write this my legs burn, my feet hurt and my back is soar, probably from having to carry around the huge unaboob from my sports bra. But I feel like I did something, I have included some pictures for your viewing pleasure, no they are not flattering of me, but they are my reality at the moment:)

P.S. Thanks Sargent Katie

Monday, November 3, 2008

You know it's time to go on a diet when.....

1. Your belly can steer your car

2. You can't breathe when you tie your shoes

3. Your son informs you that you have a double chin

4. You know candy is in the other room, and you swear it is calling your name

5. Your toilet seat screams every time you sit on it

6. Your six year old draws you bigger then anyone in her family pictures

7. Your belly has become the "pillow" at church

8. You spot a skittle on the floor at church and you think to yourself "I wonder if anyone will see me if I eat it" 

9. Your "comfy" clothes are a little to tight

10.  Your eighty five year old Grandma gets up off of the couch faster than you.

I have been trying really hard with my diet and exercise I thought I would sneak a peek at the scale today..... it hasn't moved an inch, that could be disheartening, but that is why I started the blog.... I made a goal of losing three pounds this week, I have to or my blog will be well, a joke.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

A whale on Sunday's

I like going to church, I know that is where I need to be and all of that. But Sunday mornings get to me, Nothing fits, Every Sunday morning I have a break down because I feel like a whale. This morning was no different. Wouldn't it be nice to lose weight as fast as you gain it? :)  

Do you remember when you were in school and there was that group of cool kids that everyone wanted to be friends with? It seemed like they were very particular in who they let join them.  Then there was that group of kids that were always doing things they shouldn't , the rebels I guess you could call them, it seemed like they didn't care who joined there group the more the merrier, they also didn't care if you or them got into trouble.  I thought of all of this while I was shopping for healthy snacks yesterday, it seemed like the healthy snacks such as fruits and vegetables turned there noses up at me, they didn't want me to join there group, but of course the Twinkies and chips and candy said "sure come on over I won't hurt you"  

Maybe my brain isn't working right because of lack of McDonald's:)