Monday, November 17, 2008

The Bridge

Man what a week-end, I have to admit ( confess) I didn't do to well on the diet, I fell off the wagon so to speak, but I am back on.  It has been a little stressful around the Eglet home, crying kids and such, right now as I write this my daughter is screaming upstairs because she doesn't want to take a nap, all I want to do is eat ( I am a little stressed, I have a hard time with the crying) Why is that? Eating doesn't make the stress go away right? So why eat? The brain is a funny thing I tell ya!  I have included a beautiful picture of me doing the exercise I HATE the most, it is called "THE BRIDGE" ( Can you hear the Darth Vader music playing) I do three sets of these for 20 seconds each, when I first saw Sargent Katie do these I thought, ( that won't be hard) Ya right, it hurts like heck, so it must be doing the job right:) 

Try it, see how ya do.


The Wachel Family said...

Yeah, I did one set at 10 seconds and just about died. Great job Amy...who cares if you cheated, as long as you're back on it that's all that matters.

Dan and Fam said...

It makes me a little sore too. We worked really hard today and did some different things. My lower back is really tired. Keep up the good work Amy. Katie

Robin said...

I can feel the burn sitting on my couch...OUCH, but very effective. Don't feel guilty over cheating. We are all human and every week you are getting closer and closer to your goal. Stay with it!